2BlackGeeks Clips & Bits

The Best from the 2BG Archives

What started out as a fun hobby putting conversations they’d normally have in private onto the Internet, 2BlackGeeks quickly exploded into a popular, often tweeted, and sometimes celebrity watched web media series covering everything from fashion, standard American primetime television and video games, to epic foreign media including anime, Asian dramas, and the best in Scandinavian noir. It was incredibly innovative in the way it combined real time editing, commentary, social media interactions, and critical analysis. Brutally honest, strangely enlightening, and often notoriously unforgiving, both Laurence and Elaine developed quite an online reputation with fans and industry names alike during the 6+ year run of the show.

Show Contents

1. CLIP : 2 Broke Girls Horrible Joke Of The Week
2. CLIP : Person Of Interest
3. Haven : Season 4, Episode 1
4. Haven : The “love battery” issue
5. Haven : The UNNECESSARY CHATTY FEMALE worse than Duke
6. Haven : Audrey, Lucy, Lexi … what’s next Betsy?
7. Haven : Emily Rose versus Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black)
8. Haven : We’re so tired of the OLD MEN
9. Haven : Why is the Eureka guy SO DAMN CREEPY?
10. Haven : The new Stable Master
11. Haven : We really don’t care about Haven. It’s just about Emily Rose
12. Haven : The future of Emily Rose. A lot of Comic-Cons
13. Haven : “The Edge” needs to work out his legs
14. CLIP : The Mindy Project
15. Ironside : Season 1, Episode 1
16. Ironside : Blair Non-Black Underwood doing his best Denzel Washington
17. Ironside : REMAKE alert
18. Ironside : It ONLY exists because “black people are the black” and disabilities are very popular
19. Ironside : The public doesn’t care about the old normal.
20. Ironside : Blair Underwood is Kerry Washington just male. “Safe Black” = Safe For Whites.
21. Ironside : It’s still JUST a cop show. It’s not even a good cop show. Nothing new here.
22. Ironside : My special “power” is I don’t have to bend down to see evidence
23. Ironside : Should non-disabled people play disabled people discussion
24. Ironside : Throw a rock in a disabled community and you will find talent. There’s no excuse.
25. Ironside : I’d rather watch an actual disabled person in the role versus Blair Underwood
26. Ironside : What I find more offensive when it comes to actors faking disabilities
27. Ironside : Katie Leclerc speaks perfectly fine. She “fakes” the “deaf speaking”.
28. Ironside : Names are less important than authenticity
29. CLIP : The Good Wife
30. The Black Hulk : Henley Of The Week
31. The Crazy Ones : Season 1, Episode 1
32. The Crazy Ones : Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Geller
33. The Crazy Ones : If you don’t understand why it’s genius, you’re an idiot
34. The Crazy Ones : It’s called CHEMISTRY
35: The Crazy Ones : Whoever the casting agent was who did this … I WANT TO GRAB THEM AND LICK THEM ALL OVER for this. They are a G.E.N.I.U.S
36. The Crazy Ones : You either get it or you don’t.
37. The Crazy Ones : THIS is how you cast Sarah Michelle Geller.
38. The Crazy Ones : Kelly Clarkson I fraking LOVE you and THANK YOU
39. CLIP : The Crazy Ones
40. Sleepy Hollow : Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2
41. Sleepy Hollow : Another remake/rehash of old stories
42. Sleepy Hollow : Why the show works so well – The Setting
43. Sleepy Hollow : Why the show works so well – It Takes Itself Seriously
44. Sleepy Hollow : Why the show works so well – The Cast
45. Sleepy Hollow : Black people are the new black. 3 black main cast members. 2 black women.
46. Sleepy Hollow : The minorities outnumber everyone else on the show.
47. Sleepy Hollow : Pretentious elf who also looks like Jesus (Tom Mison)
48. Sleepy Hollow : Faux Jada Pinkett Smith (Nicole Beharie)
49. Sleepy Hollow : So Not Sulu (John Cho)
50. Sleepy Hollow : John Cho and Chad Lowe – Disapproving lips
51. Sleepy Hollow : Lyndie Greenwood HELL YEAH
52. Sleepy Hollow : This cast shouldn’t work but it SO DOES
53. Sleepy Hollow : Effects. Effects. Effects. Epic, subtle, well done.
54. Sleepy Hollow : Please give him some new clothes. No more cosplay. Find a Walmart.
55. Sleepy Hollow : The drama stays in tact. It doesn’t try to be a light, buddy comedy
56. Sleepy Hollow : New Amsterdam and Sleepy Hollow
57. Sleepy Hollow : The quality of the show is HIGH. Great cast. Great camerawork. Great writing.
58. Sleepy Hollow : Nicole is AMAZINGLY expressive. Believable. Strong.
59. 2BG Break : Laurence goes down to get Elaine’s iPhone 5s
60. 2BG Break : Jennie Song takes Laurence’s place on the couch – impromptu review!
62. Sleepy Hollow : Physical acting is a MAJOR component in acting
63. Sleepy Hollow : Amazons chopped off their tits to be better archers. You don’t have a head. Work with it!
64. Sleepy Hollow : True Blood fang effect, GRIMM creature effect, kinda lame
65. Sleepy Hollow : It’s already been renewed for season 2 after only 3 episodes.
66. Sleepy Hollow : 3 emancipated slaves and Jesus

See also >  Bitten Lecture Part 1
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