A Whole New Mindset …

Maybe you don’t understand about how algorithms manipulate you.

Maybe you don’t see how abusive other social media is.

Maybe you think followers and popularity are actually important.

Maybe all the brainwashing has made you into an angry, negative person who doesn’t know how to treat others with empathy, curiosity, and genuineness.

CoSo is a great place to undo, to relearn, and to become a more authentic self by realizing that it’s completely different from what you have become conditioned to.

The Hellmouth and other social media spaces encourage this horrible cycle of begging, chasing, and even demanding engagement from others … it also does the same TO you with notifications, algorithms, and general popularity brainwashing. The wonderful thing about CoSo is NONE of that trash matters here.

You’re not a brand, you’re just you. You’re not a product, you’re a person, and whatever you want to put out there of yourself is really just you being free to be epic and share who you are. ❤️

Everything CoSo does … and even more so in a way all the things CoSo doesn’t do … are the things that make it a much better, safer, and more epic space than the Hell many of you are fleeing from.

People are “fleeing” the Hellmouth because I assume (maybe wrongly) they don’t want to deal with that same awfulness anymore or they are leaving because they anticipate it getting even worse than it is.

I assume people are looking for better and brighter shores.

CoSo is indeed that better and brighter shore … a healthier more inclusive and more positive space.

See also >  Opening Advice ...

This is a great time to let the past go and breathe the present in. This is a good place.

And what’s the phrase … about giving power to things when you speak them all the time?

The more you talk about the bird, the more you bring it with you wherever you go, the more you spread the energy of the place you say you left. Just let it go. Stop giving it power over you and stop infecting others with it.

You’re here now.

Be here.

Follow Me On CoSo …

Simply THE BEST social network available right now.
No trolls. No bots. No algorithms. No abuse.
No nonsense. Real people. Real content.

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