Mathieu Turi is set to direct the TV series adaptation of the action-adventure stealth game, A Plague Tale. French studio Merlin Productions will handle the production of the series which takes place in 1348, Aquitaine, France during the Hundred Years’ War between England and France.
While I’m glad to see this story become more accessible to non-gamers but it’s not meant to be a passive experience that you sit back watch happen to someone else.
This is one of those games you just HAVE TO FUCKING PLAY and experience AS A PLAYER. It is not a PASSIVE experience that you sit back and watch happen to someone else. Non-gamers have NO IDEA what it is like to experience gameplay like this especially playing someone who has to protect another person throughout the game. The choices you make, the reactions you have, the absolute heartbreaking aspects of this game … there is nothing like that experience as a player – when you are RESPONSIBLE for everything that happens and everything you see and do and fail (and succeed) at, directly takes its toll on you as you play.
A Plague Tale was .. HARD and it was PAINFUL and it was amazing and beautiul and haunting and there is ZERO way to make that a passive experience.
Because I know that there a lot of people who just don’t have the ability to play video games … they miss such epic stories because of accessibility issues. The idea of being able to bring the stories to those people in some way is great and there is value in it …. at the same time … these stories are interactive for a reason and that kind of transference is vital to the experience.