Novel by Doug Sinclair
All of my audiobook reviews are always completely spoiler free. Enjoy!


You Have My Attention
Chapter 1 thru 3-ish
I’m familiar with Angus and I love Angus’ work in JD Kirk’s novels so I was really excited to try this series from Doug Sinclair.
When I woke up briefly at 2, I did restart because, according to my Oura, I only had a 13 minute latency (I fell asleep within 13 minutes). I was really interested in what I heard which was a fascinating introduction to Malkie and his partner Steph. I didn’t get much further that Chapter 3 that second restart. Around 4:30, I didn’t restart again … I just let it go for a while since I needed to be up in an hour anyway. I had no idea what was going on but I was absolutely riveted to Malkie’s character and his relationships. He seems very damaged but also kind of likeable. I’m also very interested in his very loyal, no nonsense, lesbian, Krav Maga capable partner.
Will start fresh again tonight, but I’m VERY interested so far.
Story this session: 5.0 out of 5.0 stars5.0