Dead Souls (Finished!)

Novel by Angie Sage

All of my audiobook reviews are always completely spoiler free. Enjoy!

Jan Cramer

Jan Cramer



Still Holding On

Chapter 33

I’ve been struggling with my interest in this Kim Stone book. I absolutely loved the first 5 books (the last one kept me up all hours it was so good) but this one hasn’t been as gripping. I am enjoying more focus on Stacey Wood this time, she’s a character that really appeals to me. What I don’t enjoy is the characters being at each other’s throats more. I’m assuming it’s just to provide a change of pace but it’s annoying drama … even Stacey finds it unbearable and is out and about on her own more. It’s nice to get another perspective of life and character outside of Kim. The other members don’t get much focus, especially Stacey and this book she’s only getting “token” focus if you catch my drift … it’s really not ok for me.

Story this session: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars


Sigh …

Chapters 37-60

This book was written in 2017 but I am only just discovering the DI Kim Stone books recently. The subject of this book I’m sure was pretty shocking for many readers and maybe it was a topic they hadn’t thought about or even considered because of their tremendous amount of privilege. But nowadays where this is pretty much the reality of everyday life and in the news headlines and just a constant brutal knell that never stops. At this point I just can’t enjoy the book, not because it’s not good or because Jan isn’t amazing … I listen to books as a break, for enjoyment, for leisure …

Story this session: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars


Almost Finished

I have 3 more chapters to go before completing this book. Normally if I wake up in the middle of the night I will try to quickly find whatever I last remember hearing and restart from there. I woke up around 3am and just let the story keep going from where ever it was. I really stopped caring. Again, it’s not because the story is bad or the narrator is, it’s just this really isn’t where I want my mind to be at this point in my life. It’s already difficult dealing with it day in and day out in real life.

I did like the resolution Kim had though. That conversation was needed.

I’ll be glad then I can move on to a new book.

Story this session: 4.0 out of 5.0 stars

See also >  Twilight Hauntings (Daily React)
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