Novel by Angie Sage
All of my audiobook reviews are always completely spoiler free. Enjoy!

What an incredible beginning!
Prologue, Part of Chapter 1
I made it through just the prologue and the first 8 minutes of chapter 1 before crashing tonight but I was pulled in right from the beginning. Fiona does an incredible job in her performance. The tension, fear, and seriousness just in the opening few minutes popped my eyes open. What is happening? Why did it happen? What a way to start your childhood …5.0 out of 5.0 stars5.0

Fiona and Angie Kept Me Awake and Riveted!
Chapters 1-10
I admit I was looking forward to starting Chapter 1 over and it did not disappoint. I was wide awake the entire time as is one of the things you have to worry about when listening to audiobooks when you go to bed 😅 You get so hooked!
It has that familiar Cinderella feel and then SPINS into something so dark and twisted very quickly. In the way that the original “V” (1983) handled the topic of fascism, making it more “palatable” and understandable, Angie does a masterful job of handling the situations of oppression and persecution in a way that even young children can understand. I was hella impressed.
I felt what was happening deeply.
Fiona is amazing in her voicing of many female characters (sisters and their mother) in subtle and impressive ways. Alex’s foster brother Louie is a beautifully crafted character. Fiona nails the emotion and feel of his age perfectly. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars5.0