FANaticism Is Disgusting

As @kel has been saying … hating on people for what they are into and passionate about is not cool. The bullying that happens on social media that pushes people into this darkness where they can’t be themselves and share what they’re about and what fuels them is the worst part of the net. It’s one of the reasons I’m turned off by single-minded hardcore fans of anything … that FANaticism always leads to this inevitable mistreatment of other people. Let people just LIVE and have their LOVES.

It is not required that you have a comment on everything people post and it’s ESPECIALLY not necessary if you’re not into that thing or you dislike that thing. You have no reason to shit all over something just because it goes by in the firehose. If you’re having that kind of negative response, feeling the need to control and shit on someone else’s passion … that trigger is something you need to examine in yourself and think about where you learned that kind of behavior was acceptable.

There is a difference between people’s passions and creative expressions and obviously someone being a troll and spreading hate. If you can’t tell the difference, then again, you need to spend some time examining yourself.

If I’m making the time to reach out and comment on someone’s post or share it’s ONLY to express some kind of POSITIVE appreciation for something it gave me, introduced me to, or made me feel that I didn’t expect that was wonderful. I LOVE seeing people being themselves and sharing what moves them. I see no other reason to respond to something. If someone posts something negative or full of bile and hate or whatever I just BLOCK them. I don’t engage with it or waste time commenting on it.

See also >  Thread About PCOS

There are SO many amazing people in this CoSo community who are so diverse and share so many things that I wouldn’t even begin to know about or have access to or even have thought about. There’s WAY more of that than the other stuff despite the influx of Hellmouth refugees who haven’t figured that out yet. I can’t imagine any good can come of engaging with anything in the firehose that doesn’t “spark joy” or fill you with something epic. Just don’t bother. There’s so much better to see here.

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