If you have triggers … if you are triggered by things … you need help. You need support. You need structure. You need assistance in understanding how to best manage and balance things in your mind, body, and soul. You’re not broken. You don’t need to be “fixed”, you just need help, support, and better mental management. You need understanding. You need grace. You need a framework to help your brain and body process differently.
Triggers aren’t bad things. Triggers are our mind and body telling us that something is wrong … that something needs to be addressed inside and sometimes outside of us.Triggers are a warning system that shouldn’t be ignored or considered some kind of weakness. Pay attention to your triggers and understand them and what they mean.
If you are triggered there is a reason, a good one probably too, don’t ignore that.
If you happen to be emotionally dysregulated for whatever reason or in the midst of healing work, a trigger COULD potentially cause you to have a reaction that is more powerful, more overwhelming, more personal than others. But that trigger is there to help protect you and help you know what you need to pay special attention to.
Triggers are doing a specific job FOR YOU, not AGAINST you.
Listen to them, respect them, and analyze them in relation to what you may need to do for yourself.
DO NOT take your dysregulation out on other people or misdirect your pain or trauma onto strangers online or anyone around you. A trigger is about the work YOU need to do for YOU.