Learn To Be More

I’m always wondering stuff like this and this is something I BADLY expressed the other week when I asked about why people only introduce themselves as what they are about or against instead of just who they are beneath that as a person … I dunno when it all changed that people became ONLY ideologies and self brands but it just bores me to tears.

People are so much more than just that … and all that other stuff is what I’m interested in.

I believe that this stuff comes from being molded by the Hellmouth … because I don’t remember profiles and such being like this before that place became the end all, be all of how people talked and introduced themselves online. Even in the G+ days it wasn’t like this …

What I gained most from that thread the other week was that people kind of explained that it was a way of establishing who they were and protecting themselves right off the bat from people who would otherwise be about things they don’t want to have in their lives/feeds. That made a lot of sense to me as I kind of use those exact mechanisms to know who to block right off the bat.

I’m about, into, growing from, learning from, thriving on, and evolving beyond SO many different and incredible things from SO many perspectives … my “politics” are the LEAST interesting thing about me and thank the Universe for that.

In a community of wildly different and epic people who have so much to share and teach and celebrate about who they are … if all you can be is representative of “what you despise in the world”, you’re missing a chance to share so much more about yourself and frankly so many other people are missing out on a chance to share and delight in what’s epic about you beyond all that obviousNESS.

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