On Peace and Positivity

It’s always strange to me that I still have to explain or justify why I don’t want anger or negativity in my life or my feed … there is always a handful of people who think that negativity is some inevitable thing that must be endured or else you’re not strong or some similar nonsense. These people carry so much darkness within and they wear their rage like a badge of courage instead of seeing how it cripples and ruins them. Wanting peace and choosing positivity isn’t weakness, it’s wisdom.

There is a level of accountability with what you choose to keep in your life and what you choose to do battle with. Are some things unavoidable? For some people yes. Some people are trapped in situations that mean they have to endure a lot of darkness and terrible things with no hope of freedom. But for others … they seek it, they’re addicted to it, they crave it because it gives them something to actually feel. That is tragic and that is awful and has nothing to do with strength at all.

There will always be people who make it their entire life’s purpose to bring down others … to dim people’s light … to make people’s life worse … to cause trouble, to create and perpetuate rage and they thrive on it. It gives them life, it feeds them. Giving into these parasites, these unfortunate people, is only feeding them more. Engaging with them is only building them up and making them feel satisfaction. And in the end you’re the one who loses while they gain exactly what they want.

You CANNOT change these people. You CANNOT do battle with monsters without losing vital parts of yourself, without wasting vital chunks of Time, without losing light that should otherwise be given to people who you love and cherish and who deserve it. Life is SO incredibly short and positivity is already so scarce … why waste any of your goodness on people who CANNOT benefit from it and only want to take it from you to feed their own madness? It makes no sense to diminish yourself for them.

See also >  On Rudeness and Disrespect ...

My feed; the garden that I choose to cultivate here on CoSo is no different than how I live my life and the kinds of people that I surround myself with. There is no room in my life for negativity, there hasn’t been for a very long time since I grew up and realized that I had every right to live a peaceful life and that I was in charge of whether that was going to happen or not, nobody else. If you bring your rage, negativity, shortsightedness, or darkness into my space, you simply have to go.

There are so many other things to fight for, to give your energy to, to use your light and positivity on … instead of fighting wars of futility and frustration against an endless tide of broken, half mad, raging, brainwashed victims … It is not on you to try and fix the damage that has been done or to try and stem the tide by sacrificing yourself especially when there are so many people who need and deserve your strength and your light. I hate to see good people diminished in this way …

It is everyone’s choice of course … in the end it is everyone’s choice and right to give of themselves as they see fit … for whatever and to whomever. I know that. I understand that. I just have seen so many good people run into the ground, diminished, exhausted, frustrated, and losing the best of themselves in wars without end. It feels like we lose light every day because of this … and light is so valuable and more and more scarce in this day and age of social media …

See also >  The Audacity of Ignorance

Cherish it.

“Associate with people who are likely to improve you. Welcome those who you are capable of improving. The process is a mutual one: men learn as they teach.” —Seneca

“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” — Epictetus

“First say to yourself what you would be; then do what you have to do.” — Epictetus

“Until we have begun to go without them, we fail to realize how unnecessary many things are.” — Seneca

Anger is useful,’ says our adversary, ‘because it makes men more ready to fight.’

No man becomes braver through anger, except one who without anger would not have been brave at all: anger does not therefore come to assist courage, but to take its place.

Anger brings about nothing grand or beautiful … to be constantly irritated seems to be the part of a languid and unhappy mind, conscious of its own feebleness.

— Seneca

When people injure you, ask yourself what good or harm they thought would come of it. If you understand that, you’ll feel sympathy rather than outrage or anger. Your sense of good and evil may be the same as theirs, or near it, in which case you have to excuse them. Or your sense of good and evil may differ from theirs. In which case they’re misguided and deserve your compassion. Is that so hard?

— Marcus Aurelius

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