Morris Chestnut in Watson

On Watson


What A Waste

Just watched episode 1 of Watson …

Sherlock Holmes entered public domain in 2023 which means people can now use it as they wish and that’s probably why this nonsense is in what is basically a reboot of House with Morris Chestnut.

Morris is a lot of things … and one of them is too good for television and yet this is where he always ends up. In these terrible C-list shows.

This is nothing new … it offers nothing new … the Sherlock of it all exists just “because” i.e. in no meaningful way.

The only great thing about Watson is you get to see the work of Eve Harlow who is just always outstanding and so intense in her character work … and you get to gaze upon the absolutely angelic and epic AF Rochelle Aytes.

Those are the only two reasons I will continue to watch this show until it gets canceled.

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