Opening Advice …

To the Newnauts and Hellmouth refugees who seem to think that criticizing a place that is home to over 100k+ users is a good starting point …

Instead of focusing on all the things CoSo is not or doesn’t have that you’ve grown so reliant upon, perhaps consider that the things that make CoSo better and different and that have allowed it to grow and thrive since 2017 are the same things that can also help you grow, thrive, and be better too. ❤️

The amount of negativity I see from a lot of Newnauts at CoSo being “not what they are used to” or complaints about having to learn something new etc is all very similar to what happens when you have to start a new outlook on life beyond a toxic and abusive relationship; what many had with the Hellmouth. Anger is fear, rudeness is defense mechanisms etc. True healing often begins this way, but it also can traumatize others. Being mindful of that is necessary for a healthy self and community.

Social media is what you bring to it … and I see people just bring more of the same anger, complaining, and trauma for their own terrible media experiences to CoSo and that helps no one heal.

I want to celebrate positive things in my life, to share with others and to have their positivity shared with me. I want to experience new and different voices that aren’t about adding to the cesspool, but rising above it.

Haven’t we all had enough trauma?

CoSo has been around since 2017, so while it may feel like a new space for those of you who are just discovering it, it has been thriving and growing for a long time and there are many amazing people here who have dedicated a lot of time and hard work to cultivate this garden into the refreshing communal space you’re now coming into.

See also >  CoSo Zealots Are Creepy

Treating it and the community with respect will continue to ensure it stays an epic place for all. ❤️

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