by Greg Rucka and Eric Trautmann
Issue Published: April 19, 2023
I really enjoyed The Forged #2 in a way I’m finding hard to explain …
There is a flow that I really enjoy when it comes to reading comics. I use the word “cinematic” when I’m trying to explain that sense of motion and forward progression in frames that really holds you completely captive – ensnares you. Without guided reading I could never get that feel because of ADHD or whatever divergent aspect of my brain that makes it hard for me to focus on just one thing at a time when there are tons of individual, competing pieces of information in front of me.
Using the guided reading I can go from frame to frame in a way that allows me to just focus on the moment I am in within that frame … but the speed at which you go to the next frame creates a specific kind of flow effect that makes it feel like you’re witnessing a moving film. Not all comics feel like this for me, it really depends on the layout and how the story is being told. It’s hard to explain if you don’t struggle with reading in this way …
This issue of The Forged gave me such a flow feel and it was really nice and also exciting.
On Art Style
I absolutely love the use of colors in this comic. The bright reds and oranges and greens and all the shades being used to express the feel/mood of an environment; the Hellscape planet or the view inside of their helmet from behind the visor.
What I really enjoyed most about this issue was all of the banter and conversations that took place during the mission. This would normally be difficult for me to follow but I loved the distinction between who is speaking, who is speaking over the comms, the computer that is giving information etc. It was something I could feel and hear in a sense.
The dialog is a huge component in my enjoyment of the series. Usually I find “marine banter” kind of cliche and boring and really overdone to the point of being almost comical … but these women are also extremely funny and have great personalities that really come through in how they interact with each other and the environment.
I found myself laughing out loud when reading this issue and also that happened in the first issue as well. I could feel the characters even more clearly in this issue because it was very dialogue heavy and that could be kind of crazy in a comic but again … flow … was great and it moved along so nicely and easily. I haven’t been reading comics that long, but I feel like the ones I have enjoyed most really did a great job with the banter between characters and especially during scenes where there is action happening at the same time. Kieron Gillen’s Once and Future comes to mind in this regard.
On Appeal

I am still a newbie when it comes to comics, but I know what I like and what I don’t like both graphically speaking and storytelling wise. Some things appeal to me right off the bat, some covers turn me off immediately, some covers intrigue me but then the art style is something I can’t really get over.
With comics there is absolutely “judging a book by it’s cover” along with “judging a story by it’s art” … and neither one of those things is a good way to determine what comics are going to be worth your time or not. When it comes to appeal … I sometimes have to really push through my initial instincts and read several issues before I fully commit to something or decide I can’t go any further.
The Forged is not a comic I would normally read just based on the cover alone … and I don’t really like military or strictly science fiction stuff. I also am not big on scantly clad women who are there strictly for the most obvious kind of reason. I don’t MIND it, but I don’t gravitate towards media that really pushes that stuff forward as a focal point. Hence why the cover of this issue really kind of turned me off.
I had to remind myself that the style of this comic – “Merciless Moon! Mind Witch! Disarmed!” – is kind of meant to be reminiscent of those Flash Gordonesque style scife operas while giving a bit of Barbarella etc … and in keeping with that mood and feel, I do really love the style of it.

I don’t see it as Aliens with Ripley wearing a Jean Paul Gaultier designed bandage dress … it’s marines in mech suits with a hot woman of color seducing the shit out of everyone and who doesn’t love THAT fetish.
I love the … color scheme and design of these particular characters … it’s very … umm … I mean … You’re aware right? That you have drawn these “space witches” to resemble some kind of magical metaphysical vagina with flowing gossamer labia … ? I mean … you see it right? RIGHT!?