You Get What You Give

When I first came to CoSo not that long ago, the first thing I LOVED about it was the quiet. It reminded me so much of the early days online where the kind of engagement you 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 was the kind of engagement you 𝙜𝙖𝙫𝙚. You found people by putting yourself out there, by being yourself, by choosing others (long before channels and forums). The firehose isn’t the 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 way to find people. I found amazing people by just being myself and interacting with epic people who 𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 quality interaction with me.

I’m very old school that way … I can still remember the early days of the web, before it went public even (pre-aol) and it was such a very different space. It was open … wide open … there was no one to tell you where to go or what to do or how to find things or people (there wasn’t that much to find anyway). Someone introduced you to chat space and you went from there. You learned. You were a voice in vast space … like a kind of marco polo … you were yourself and people found you.

There is a lot to discover on CoSo … and if the firehose is too much negativity or just not your speed, you don’t have to interact with it. It’s not required. You can find your quiet here … you can find your own voice. Not the one cultivated by whatever Hell you came here from. Not one twisted into a brand, but the one that is your authentic voice. You can share yourself here and find quality interactions and engagement. You will receive back the good energy you put out. You will be found.❤️

See also >  CoSo Zealots Are Creepy

Instead of seeking out things to respond to (as was the way of the other place) consider sharing content for people to positively engage with … your passions, your voice and spirit.

It’s a very different way of spending time on social media yes … and it does require patience and also a sense of who you are and what you’re about that you want to share with the community. But there is nothing better than authenticity and sharing from the heart.

That is what the early days were like …

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