Becoming a psychologist doesn't require any kind of moral grounding, it doesn't have any kind of psychological screening process. Letters after someone's name only means they test well, not that they live well or ARE well.
I think one of the fundamental differences between people who are considered neurodivergent or who have high functioning ADHD or other neurodifferences is foreground processing and hyper-awareness of that processing.
Social media is not life. It's a VERSION of life people choose because it's easier, it makes you feel like you have more control than in real life, and it makes you feel more brave when you want to do awful or very abnormal things.
This episode has everything: white privilege, well behaved foster children, Gargoyle butt stuff, Paris, the grooming of young girls, Jem getting preferential treatment (again) ... and Katie Cassidy IS Pizzazz.
"BookTok phenomenon and award-winning author Alex Aster delivers listeners a masterfully written, utterly gripping YA fantasy novel." Yeah whatever. Suzy Jackson reads the shit out of this epicness!
Morgan Brookes is a wonderful, kind, open, thoughtful, amazing detective. The people around her are also equally epic people. That doesn't make this book unrealistic, it makes it a more positive and enjoyable experience.
"Ava Reid's YA debut is part historical fantasy, part rivals-to-lovers romance, and part Gothic mystery ..." all expressed through the mind of an insufferable main character.
If Vespertine was truly a novel birthed from trauma and a mental health crisis, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that suffering sometimes paves the way to brilliance because this is Margaret Rogerson's best book to date.