The Hellmouth for me and a lot of others is mainly a reference from Buffy and believe me it is an accurate description of that place.
Hellmouth referred to a sort of portal between Earth and the next dimension. For this reason, the Hellmouth’s area was a hot spot for supernatural activity, sending out mystical energy that affected the nearby population, and attracting supernatural creatures even when closed.
Everything bad that ever happened to anyone was a result of the negative energy and forces of Hell converged around the Hellmouth … that is indeed Twitter and I couldn’t imagine a more apt description of what that place has done to everyone using it and even to the world we live in (as a whole).
The words “even when closed” are even more apt given that Twitter effects people long after they have left the space and they carry (that trauma) around with them forever.
And the most obvious … the bird HQ is in San Fran (California) and so was Sunnydale (in California).
If I could blame everything and everyone that ever spewed forth from the Hellmouth completely on something like corporate mediocrity I would give it a different name.
The corporate aspects of what the bird is began with the influence of said negative energy … selfishness, greed, etc … but what people became and shifted into and turned others into … the monsters so to speak … that was something else spun entirely out of the bird’s control and they knew it (which is why they sold it).