Do You. Just Not On My Shares.

There are many ways to view the world we live in and everyone has different perspectives based on their lived experiences, culture, age, and even level of education.

In general, my vibe is always about the beauty, positivity, innovation, and artistic value in things. Being judgy, pessimistic, negative, and unimaginative about the world is not a thing I’m into. I don’t believe in seeing the world in such a bleak way, there is enough of that in our lives across many fronts.

Keep it to yourself.

If I’m making the time to reach out and comment on someone’s post or share it’s ONLY to express some kind of POSITIVE appreciation for something it gave me, introduced me to, or made me feel that I didn’t expect that was wonderful. I LOVE seeing people being themselves and sharing what moves them. I see no other reason to respond to something. I can’t imagine any good can come of engaging with anything that doesn’t “spark joy” or fill you with something epic.

CoSo provides a ton of tools so we can all curate our experience in a way that is most healthy for us. If you don’t like my voice, my posts, my perspectives, etc that is totally fine and you should block me or mute me or whatever makes you feel best and helps you enjoy your time in this community on your own terms.

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See also >  On Using Hashtags ...
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