Social media algorithms, among other things, are specifically designed to maximize, enhance, and weaponize people's unchecked and unmanaged mental illness, making it worse and spreading it.
The more you you accept other people's terrible and unhealthy treatment of you and others … the more scars you're willingly accepting that don't even BELONG to you …
Your life, as a positive, forward focused person, is too valuable to waste on pointless pursuits. Others are waiting for your light and who need support and reinforcement to survive this mad world.
To me, media is about very different things and my appreciation of its value stems from knowledge of many of those people who are involved in making it what it takes for the content to exist in the first place.
Dan is fighting a losing battle trying to explain to fandom what She-Hulk is or how they should see it because he cannot change someone else's reality which completely alters how they see and interpret the media they consume.
The puritanical and capitalist brainwashing and grooming (yes grooming) that has lead people to believe that being idle is bad has lead to so many mental, physical and spiritual issues in the world we live in.