Let me just make something clear for those that also seem to have no sense: Blaming others is not strength, playing the victim is not strength, getting angry is not strength, and accountability is FAR from weakness.
People are more than just the content they post, but what they choose to share, repeat, and put into the world is a very good indication of their character. If you don't like most of their content, you probably won't like who they are outside of that.
People don't think about their triggers, they are controlled by them and then they respond THROUGH them. Thinking, for most people, follows emotional states. For stoics it's the opposite.
The world hates any confident person who ISN'T A PSYCHOPATH. If you are a confident, educated person - or god forbid a woman - who thinks beyond societal programming, you get punished.
Growing up in the late 70's and 80s my world was so small. I could never have imagined there were people like me out there in the wider world. There was no wider world.
It's hardly a Strange New World ... based on that clip it's the exact same world we live in now ... with the same lack of education and understanding and racism.
We don't all have the same 24 hours in a day. People who say such things have no sense of their own privilege and don't understand the concept of people having different realities.
If you can't look within ... if you can't reign you anger in ... if you can't recognize your own trauma ... then you will probably only ever inflict trauma on others. You have to start with SELF.