When we are at our best, we can give our best to others and improve their lives through that positivity and wellness.
Am I angry about the state of the world? Anger is a total waste of time and energy and only lessens you. The world now is just Hell and I was born into that and survived it.
Engaging in a war of futility doesn't make you brave. Sacrificing your light against an endless tide of darkness only means you have less for the people who deserve that light most ... including yourself.
Everyone has different needs and difficulties and health considerations. So something may not be for you or something you're interested in but that doesn't mean that it doesn't serve an important function for someone else.
In a community of wildly different and epic people who have so much to share and teach and celebrate about who they are ... if all you can be is representative of "what you despise in the world", you're missing a chance to share so much more about yourself
Those of you who love it here (new and old) ... going back to the Hellmouth to become "righteous defenders of CoSo" or whatever and using anger, or salt, or debate to "convince people they are wrong" and to come here ... That is NOT the way.
Everything that you want to manifest in your own life should be reflected in your social media feed and that includes here on CoSo. Everything you take in ... from chats, to imagery, is feeding your subconscious which contributes to the foundation of your conscious views of life.
The Hellmouth and other social media spaces encourage this horrible cycle of begging, chasing, and even demanding engagement from others ... it also does the same TO you with notifications, algorithms, and general popularity brainwashing. The wonderful thing about CoSo is NONE of that trash matters here.